
maandag 24 juni 2024

Facebook AI protest must read and a must do!

 Facebook and Instagram announced to use your photo's in the future and all of your history, for AI purposes.

You can not allow this to make this happen to you, what if it goes terribly wrong? Yes, your son is calling you with his voice and asks you for money, for example!



Breaking with your habits in 5 steps is easy. Just follow the handy and clever guidelines within this book.

If you want to enhance yourself, it's a must read!

Buy this book / Koop dit boek

maandag 23 maart 2020

Do you also get bored with the click to run feature in Microsoft Office 2016 for example?

Do you distribute\transmit roaming profiles over your big network?

Use a version of the latest Office that doesn't use the feature click to run.

Or follow the following steps to succeed with uninstallation of the unfriendly feature.

To uninstall Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component 64-bit Registration, please try the steps below:

1. Press Win + R to open the Run window, type “installer” and click Enter to open the folder in File Explorer.
2. Add the column “Subject”. Right click the column headers, then click More and select Subject
3. Sort on the Subject column and scroll down until you locate the name “Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component 64-bit Registration”.
4. Right click the MSI file and choose uninstall.

vrijdag 17 april 2015

Extract VM details from your XenServer pool

I've been searching for a while to get the VM details like CPU/RAM/Storage from a XenServer pool....

Thanks to my collegue Daniel Zwart we have created a script that will do the trick.

See below for the script:

vmuuidlist=$(xe vm-list params=uuid is-control-domain=false is-a-snapshot=false power-state=running --minimal)
poolname=$(xe pool-list params=name-label --minimal)
echo VMName,Pool,Host,vCPUs,RAM,Storage,Description > $poolname-vminfo.csv

for vmuuid in $vmuuidlist ; do
    vmname=$(xe vm-list params=name-label uuid=$vmuuid --minimal)
    hostuuid=$(xe vm-list params=resident-on uuid=$vmuuid --minimal)
    vmdescription=$(xe vm-list params=name-description uuid=$vmuuid --minimal)
    hostname=$(xe host-list params=name-label uuid=$hostuuid --minimal)
    vcpus=$(xe vm-list params=VCPUs-number uuid=$vmuuid --minimal)
    ram=$(xe vm-list params=memory-static-max uuid=$vmuuid --minimal)
    vdiuuidlist=$(xe vbd-list vm-uuid=$vmuuid type=Disk params=vdi-uuid --minimal)
    for vdiuuid in $vdiuuidlist ; do
        vdisize=$(xe vdi-list uuid=$vdiuuid params=virtual-size --minimal)
    echo $vmname,$poolname,$hostname,$vcpus,$vmram,$totalsize,$vmdescription
done >> $poolname-vminfo.csv

Copy this text to notepad, save it as or whatever kinda name you want it to. Copy it with WinSCP to your XenServer.

Then issue the command chmod +x so you can use it.

To verify it has added the 'x' use ls -l

Setup a putty or kitty session to your XenServer, to run the script ./

The details are added in the CSV, you can copy the CSV with WinSCP, you probably have to refresh the screen before it's visible if you didn't close the earlier made session.

If you open up the file in Excel select the first row > data > text to column > next > select comma > next... Finish.

donderdag 16 april 2015

Adobe is leaving temporary files directory filled RDS\Citrix server

So ever looked at your C:\Users directory at your RDS\Citrix server and wondered why there so many folders with the same name but with extensions like name.000 name.001 etc....

This occured when uncle mickeysoft decided to bring out a patch that did a little tlc to the place where the fonts are stashed. The updates name is KB2993651.

But that update brings also something good, still trying to find out what, but it's unpredictable what happens or what gab exists when you remove the update....

So i created a little workaround here.

After this the user profile files will be deleted when a user presses log off. 

Download this file, no harm it's just a *.ini file ;-)

Place the file in the netlogon folder \\yourdomain\netlogon

Then go to the GPMC, create a new distinctive name for your policy or add it to an existing computer policy. Go to Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Files > add new file. Then see below for the further details.

Name the full path including the file name, otherwise the magic ain't going to happen.


woensdag 8 april 2015

Clear Exchange 2013 Logging periodic and automatically? Yes we can.

Ever wondered why Exchange 2013 is filling your disk, within most of our opinion rubbish.....

Microsoft intended these files for problem logging and BigData.

But i don't want them. And most of us don't want the C: disk blown up from a important server.

Let's start how to get rid of these logging.

First of all you can shut it partially off, but when doing this most of the powerfull tools in Exchange like diagnostics are also powered down.... So don't.

Create a scheduled task on your exchange server.

Go to your desktop and create a file called "clear log files Exchange.xml" then open it and paste the text from below in your document. Save it, then change the blue marked areas. The last green marked item is the amount of days for keeping the logs. I personally set them on 2 days, the - before the amount of days is the days to keep before deleting the logs.

If you want to set this up for the inetpub logs too just change the path. This is marked red.


Start below here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.4" xmlns="">
    <Description>cleares the log files from the exchange folder</Description>
          <Monday />
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Arguments>/p “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging” /s /m *.* /c “cmd /c Del @path” /d -2</Arguments>

donderdag 3 juli 2014

Exchange diagnostic error 1006

Every quarter of an hour it's bigtime the 1006 diagnostic error appears in our log files.

What does it do en why it's bothering my eventlog with this message.

The drive space checker is checking if enough drive space is left to function. If it's getting full the database is getting dismounted before corruption could happen to it. Also the mailflow will be stopped.

Always separate the log files from the database, also a best practice from Microsoft will help.

But back to the logfiles messages. Why does it happen? It's malfunction from Microsoft that should be fixed with the first CU..... But you guess it right, they didn't fix it.

Even with CU 5 installed it ain't fixed.

Hereby the errors:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeDiagnostics
Date:          6/02/2014 03:24:01 PM
Event ID:      1006
Task Category: Triggers
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SERVER.DOMAIN.local
The performance counter ‘\\SERVER\LogicalDisk(HarddiskVolume2)\Free Megabytes’ sustained a value of ‘108.00′, for the ‘15′ minute(s) interval starting at ‘6/02/2014 3:38:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeDiagnostics
Date:          6/02/2014 2:55:49 PM
Event ID:      1006
Task Category: Triggers
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SERVER.DOMAIN.local
The performance counter ‘\\SERVER\MSExchangeIS Store(Test 2 MBX Database)\Logical To Physical Size Ratio’ sustained a value of ‘0.00′, for the ‘10′ minute(s) interval starting at ‘6/02/2014 3:45:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:DatabaseLogicalPhysicalSizeRatioTrigger. Instance:test 2 mbx database

So you choose:

Disable it and take care of enough drive space yourself or let it happen and fill up your logs/disk.

Disable steps:

  1. Go to the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin
  2. Locate the Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe.config file and open it with Notepad
  3. Locate the line that starts with “<addName="Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.ExchangeJobs.Triggers.DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger"  and at the end of the line you will see Enabled=”True”.  Change it to be Enabled=”False
  4. If you have the second error above then also locate the line that starts with <add Name="Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.ExchangeJobs.Triggers.DatabaseLogicalPhysicalSizeRatioTrigger" and change the Enabled=”True” to Enabled=”False”
  5. Save the file
  6. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics service and the errors should be gone.