
donderdag 3 juli 2014

Exchange diagnostic error 1006

Every quarter of an hour it's bigtime the 1006 diagnostic error appears in our log files.

What does it do en why it's bothering my eventlog with this message.

The drive space checker is checking if enough drive space is left to function. If it's getting full the database is getting dismounted before corruption could happen to it. Also the mailflow will be stopped.

Always separate the log files from the database, also a best practice from Microsoft will help.

But back to the logfiles messages. Why does it happen? It's malfunction from Microsoft that should be fixed with the first CU..... But you guess it right, they didn't fix it.

Even with CU 5 installed it ain't fixed.

Hereby the errors:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeDiagnostics
Date:          6/02/2014 03:24:01 PM
Event ID:      1006
Task Category: Triggers
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SERVER.DOMAIN.local
The performance counter ‘\\SERVER\LogicalDisk(HarddiskVolume2)\Free Megabytes’ sustained a value of ‘108.00′, for the ‘15′ minute(s) interval starting at ‘6/02/2014 3:38:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchangeDiagnostics
Date:          6/02/2014 2:55:49 PM
Event ID:      1006
Task Category: Triggers
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SERVER.DOMAIN.local
The performance counter ‘\\SERVER\MSExchangeIS Store(Test 2 MBX Database)\Logical To Physical Size Ratio’ sustained a value of ‘0.00′, for the ‘10′ minute(s) interval starting at ‘6/02/2014 3:45:00 AM’. Additional information: None. Trigger Name:DatabaseLogicalPhysicalSizeRatioTrigger. Instance:test 2 mbx database

So you choose:

Disable it and take care of enough drive space yourself or let it happen and fill up your logs/disk.

Disable steps:

  1. Go to the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin
  2. Locate the Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe.config file and open it with Notepad
  3. Locate the line that starts with “<addName="Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.ExchangeJobs.Triggers.DatabaseDriveSpaceTrigger"  and at the end of the line you will see Enabled=”True”.  Change it to be Enabled=”False
  4. If you have the second error above then also locate the line that starts with <add Name="Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.ExchangeJobs.Triggers.DatabaseLogicalPhysicalSizeRatioTrigger" and change the Enabled=”True” to Enabled=”False”
  5. Save the file
  6. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics service and the errors should be gone.

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