After installing WSUS 3.0 SP2 on windows server 2008 the configuration wizard will be launched automatically.
1- In the Before you begin screen click Next.
2- In the Microsoft update improve program click Next.
3- In choose upstream server select synchronize from Microsoft update and click Next.
4- In specify proxy server screen type your proxy settings (optional if you have a proxy server) and click Next.
5- In connect to upstream server screen click start connecting button.
6- After successful connection click Next.
7- In choose language screen select English (or any other languages) and click Next.
8- In choose product screen select the products that you have to download it's updates and click Next.
9- In choose classifications select the classifications of updates to download and click Next.
10 - In Set sync schedule screen select Synchronous Automatically and specify suitable time for you and synchronize rate and click Next.
11- In Finished screen click Next.
12- In What's Next screen click Finish.