
dinsdag 20 mei 2014

Installing MUI and OMUI on your server, after reading it's simple

It was quite hard to get all the info from Microsoft to install MUI and OMUI for Office.

But after a while it installed and ran!

First download and copy all the LP files to a network share.

Then copy in the next line to proceed:

lpksetup /i cs-cz de-de es-es fr-fr nl-nl /r /s /p \\Servername\Systemlangpacks

The desired languages, que them like above. If you need other languages just change the phrases fr-fr to the desired language.

For Office it ain't that hard too.

Open Notepad++ or any other textr editor, copy and paste the text below. Save it as czech.xml for example. If other languages are needed just change cs-cz to en-us or whatsoever you need.

For Office:   OMUI.**-**
For Project: PMUI.**-**
For Visio:    VISMUI.**-**

<Configuration Product="OMUI.cs-cz">
 <Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="yes" />
 <Logging Type="verbose" Path="%systemroot%\Temp" Template="Microsoft_Office-Multi-Language-Pack-2010.log" />
 <AddLanguage Id="cs-cz"/>

In the script the're some commands for detailed view like "Display Level= none, basic or full" The rest is "yes" or "no" for some troubleshoot reasons you can set SuppressModal to no like above. If all is running you can set it back to yes.

The same step for DisplayLevel to none. But sometimes you want to see what's going on. But when you know it works shut it off. The most things you want to install run silent ;-)

The command to kickoff the languagepacks is: (below command is splitted due screen width limitations, just divide the command with a space and paste it in a command prompt.)

\\servername\Office_2010_langpacks\setup.exe /Config \\servername\Office_2010_langpacks\czech.xml

For example it's czech again, edit the command to run a XML wit another language.

Don't try to stack the installation, the command can only run once per language. After the first is finished, kickoff the next one.